“I’ve been working with cameras in all different forms since I was just a kid. It’s the one thing that always gives me great pleasure.”
A camera is a tool, so is your computer and likewise, your phone. You pick it up and nab a little sliver of time, frozen on a screen, that you can put in your pocket and look back on with fondness occasionally, or never again. I like to think of imaging as an opportunity to capture an emotional context for your life in a moment and reflect on it. Images are also a way to experiment with technology and blend in imagination to create something unique to that moment in your journey.
I use the tools that I have at hand to explore the spot where your inner and outer worlds collide within your perception. Ultimately, in the pursuit of a viewpoint…..or a feeling…or an expression of emotion….or a deeper understanding of beauty.
I make prints of my work to make them real in the world. They’re light captured, manipulated and burned onto a receptive surface finalizing the commitment of an idea. Until the image is set, it’s just a bunch of potential swirling around in the tools, waiting to grab my imagination and be transformed into a coherent thought, burned into reality as a printed piece.