Staying Cozy During Covid Installation
Explores Isolation & Comfort During the Pandemic
From September 3 through 26, 2021, Pyro Gallery will present Staying Cozy During Covid: Comfort Designs by Suzy Harrison, featuring the member artist's textile installation derived from her sketchbook India ink designs created in 2020 and 2021. Presented in the form of digitized patterns output into woven blankets, the textiles address what it means to seek comfort during the isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic timeframe.
In this new installation, Harrison represents her own afternoon pandemic rituals, including listening to the 4pm press conferences of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, clips of which loop within the exhibit, evoking a subliminal soundtrack of social isolation. Harrison's art often centers on people's notions of comfort and security; previously, her work has explored personal flotation devices as metaphors for how people stay psychologically afloat.
Staying Cozy during Covid also features an interactive element for visitors, who can access the whowelostky.org and whowelost.org websites to read or write narratives on the site. Created by Louisville writer Martha Greenwald, both WhoWeLost sites are digital spaces for stories and remembrance, encouraging family and friends of Covid-19 victims to write about who they've lost, away from the noise of social media. Harrison and Greenwald have collaborated before for Pyro Gallery's 2015 Double Vision show.
Harrison's installation runs September 3-26, with a First Friday Reception on September 3 from 6-9pm and a Sunday Reception on September 5 from 1-4pm. The show closes with an artist talk at 2pm on September 26.
Pyro Gallery is located at 1006 East Washington Street, Louisville, KY 40206
The installation exhibit is free. Gallery Hours: 12-6pm Fridays and Saturdays. 1-4 Sundays.
For more information contact Suzy at 502-386-5481.
Original design printed on woven cotton blanket
“60 x “80