Jenny Shircliff
My work in this show includes oil paintings, pastel drawings, and charcoal drawings. I devoted many of these pieces to the inspirations I received from songs about places. The first piece I did in this series is entitled "Paradise" and is based on Joni Mitchell's song "Big Yellow Taxi." From there, I was inspired by songs about Philadelphia, Atlanta, Kansas City, Tucumcari, and Boston. My process included listening to the songs and then responding to the layers of melody, rhythm, chords, and lyrics. As I worked through a particular piece, I left the song behind and focused on what the painting wanted.
Other pieces in this show include small charcoal and pastel drawings rendered with a loose, gestural hand. Above all, I rely on my artistic intuition.
Anne Huntington
This past year has been one of exploration. I’ve been experimenting with different media (watercolor, oil, acrylic and collage) and styles. My goals were to develop a looser technique and a more minimalist style. Albeit inconsistently, I have achieved the first goal. My second goal? I fell in love with color, abandoning my earlier attempts at monotonicity and simplicity.
I have enjoyed my journey and am looking forward to the next chapter. Some of my works remind me of Rubik’s Cube, hence puzzles, but the body of work taken together might be considered puzzling.
Arrangement in gray and black, charcoal on paper, 12 x14, $400
Willing, pastels on paper, 14 x 19, $600